Raw ingredients: a piece of a strange looking vine, a parking lot, a puddle. Once again I was looking for a way to take an interesting picture in a spot where there didn't seem to be much of visual interest.
This is an interesting looking building in Portland. It's hard to get a good view of it from street level. I probably need to find another vantage point.
Taken during my morning walk from my house to the bus stop. This is a close up of oil on water on the street. I keep thinking there can't possibly be anything "new" to take a picture of on my daily walks, but then I always find something.
I went to the Coffee Fair at the World Forestry Center in Portland. One of the vendors had a test where you could try to identify many different scents from samples. I got all of them right except two -- I reversed "vanilla" and "butter." She told me that getting this many right was unusual.
An artist there was making watercolor paintings using coffee as the paint. In the picture above she is working on a version of "American Gothic." I thought these were cool so I bought a small one that shows a street cafe that looks like it could be in Paris.