Friday, July 25, 2003

iSilo and Amphetadesk

Amphetadesk is a free RSS newsreader, nice for reading blogs that have RSS feeds. iSilo is a document reader for Palm OS. Combine the two, and you can read your RSS subscriptions on the Palm.

Just set up your subscriptions in Amphetadesk, then create a conversion in iSiloX that uses the local Amphetadesk URL. Then you can download all the newsfeeds into the Palm for later viewing.

To make it even more convenient for iSilo, you can hack the Amphetadesk template to make it put in Named Anchors, which iSilo can use to auto-generate bookmarks in the page.

Edit /templates/default/index.html and on the line where it outputs the globe image (line 42 in my version), add a named anchor like this:

to_browser(qq{ <td align="center"><a NAME="CHANNEL:$channel->{title}"></a><a href="$channel->{htmlurl}" target="$link_target"><img src="images/globe.gif" alt="Go To The '$channel->{title}' Site." title="Go To The '$channel->{title}' Site." width="13" height="13" border="0" align="center" /></a></td>\n});

The part I added is this:

<a NAME="CHANNEL:$channel->{title}"></a>

Then in iSiloX:

  • select your document that points to the local Amphetadesk page
  • open the document's Properties and go to the Bookmarks tab
  • under Named Anchors check Generate bookmarks from named anchors
  • select Filtered
  • select Include only names with this prefix
  • enter "CHANNEL:" into the text box (without the quotes)
  • click OK

Now iSiloX will generate bookmarks that mark the top of each news feed.

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