Saturday, October 29, 2005

Not So Quick

The other night I broke my main rule of drawing -- which is to avoid putting much time or effort into it -- and spent a couple of hours on this pencil drawing. But I was enjoying the quiet time and the simple fun of pencil and paper, and even the cats were leaving me alone. Part of the reason I have been spending more time drawing lately is my idea that I need less expensive hobbies, and pencil and paper is about as cheap as it gets. I saw this pose in one of my girlfriend's fashion magazines, and I really liked all the angles in the pose.
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clara* said...

i love it tom. fabulous.

Peter Sills said...

Nice Blog,
I've been downloading the streaming audio lectures from MIT and UCBerkely. Their perfect to listen to before bed. Have you found any goldmines of free lectures or audio books?

Unknown said...

Not free ones, no. The closest thing would be podcasts.