Sunday, May 18, 2003

Discreet Nose Enlargement You Can Count On

Guys, are you embarrassed about your small, dainty nose? Do you compare your nose with other men in the locker room, and wish you had more? Sure, women may tell you that nose size doesn't matter, but you know they just say that to spare your feelings: surveys show that 4 out of 5 women prefer a big, long, manly, powerful nose!

Now you can have the giant, firm nose your partner craves, with Pinocchiagra, the miracle drug developed in Italy by Dr. M. Cherry. Just minutes after taking 2 Pinocchiagra capsules, you'll see 3, 4, even 5 inches of nose enlargement -- and the effects last for hours! Some test subjects have found that they also gain a more impressive "woody" texture.

Pinocchiagra gives you new confidence, and it brings her new satisfaction. Sign up for a trial order today, and start looking down your nose at life!

(Side effects are mild and may include compulsive lying.)

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